Budweiser Clydesdale Commercial Is Still Melting Our Hearts 34 Years Later
|In general, the ads are quite boring. However, there are some exceptions. And one of those exceptions is Christmas ads. Christmas is one of the most important events of the year for the advertising industry. Every brand tries to get noticed with the best story, the best slogan and the best images to put together an ad that captures the Christmas spirit and goes straight to the hearts of consumers. Of course, some companies are better than others.

However, one brand that never disappoints with their Christmas ads is Budweiser. American Brewer has been creating amazing ads for a long time, and their old ads still get a lot of love and attention today. An example is this beautiful ad from 1987.

The ad paints a perfect, snowy Christmas and looks like a beautiful Christmas card you might have seen at your grandparents when you were little.
Even though it’s been about 30 years since this ad was first published, it still reaches a lot of consumers. Christmas is fast approaching and this will put you in the holiday spirit.
Check the video below!