Lady Wakes Up And Sees Little Fox Cubs Playing Around Her Porch
|When you live in a forested area, there’s a better chance of adorable wildlife encounters. But even so, it is quite difficult to spot these elusive and shy creatures, like foxes for example. But only if they don’t decide to turn your porch into a private playground, like this grandma from Illinois did.
Recently, photos of adorable cubs have gone viral on social media. All after the woman’s grandson shared them on Reddit. According to him – Vechrotex on Reddit – on a sunny spring morning, a little fox decided to visit his grandmother.

As the woman was more than happy to see the fur invader outside the house and the little one learned that he was indeed welcome, the next day he also invited his brother. Since then, the two little foxes have not stopped coming to their favorite playground. But even the puppies seemed all alone, the grandmother soon realized that their mother was watching over them, a few meters away, from the bushes.

Vechrotex won everyone over with its lovely message. In return, people show their gratitude in the most adorable way. “Some people are all lucky. Baby Fox is super cute,” user Shendrad said. While another added: ‘All grandma needs now is a neighbor with a pup and we have the ingredients for a fantastic movie.

In case you didn’t know, this isn’t the first time someone’s porch has been taken over by cute fluffy balls. A boy in Alaska has been visited by seven adorable bobcats. Plus, these adorable little kids have turned the man’s porch into a playground.