Little Foal Decides To Kick The Vet For Not Wanting His Company
|When a mare gives birth to a lovely baby foal, it is one of the most beautiful occasions in the horse world, not only for the mare but also for us as her owners. After the birth of a baby person, it is the second most beautiful and innocent thing on the planet. What I adore the most is when these darling foals gain complete control of their legs and begin to walk and run around.

They are normally energetic and eager to spend as much time as possible with their mothers, ignoring everyone else, including the owners. The tiny foal in the video below is one of them that isn’t overjoyed by the presence of a man in the stable. It’s just been a few days, so it’s normal that it’s acting this way.

Baby foals, like many other young animals who have spent little time in our world and are wary or interested about everything in front of them, lack confidence. The baby foal in the video below, who isn’t very interested in Dr. Joe, is a perfect illustration. It didn’t just dislike him; he was constantly kicking him with his short legs, as if he wanted him to leave.

The foal was fine with the idea that its mother was present, but it wasn’t interested in meeting anyone else. Usually, it is the mare that is overly protective of her tiny foals and refuses to let anyone near them, especially in the first few days after birth. In very rare situations, mares would not even let their stallions near their babies, let alone the owner or anybody else.

However, I must say that it is one of the most lovely foals in the world, and I am confident that as it became accustomed to everyone, it became much more active than in the video below.