Small Donkey Wants To Be A Clydesdale In A Famous Commercial

New commercials come out every day and these days it’s all about engaging as many famous people as possible and using all sorts of special effects to make the images more interesting. But if you ask me, the best commercials are the ones that tell a story people can really relate to.

These are commercials that stand the test of time and never go out of style. And the Budweiser commercial you’re about to watch is certainly one of them. The ad features Budweiser’s legendary Clydesdale horses and an adorable donkey with big dreams. Despite his small size, the donkey wants to join the Clydesdale group one day and has a nice way of advocating for his cause. The donkey is determined to fill what it naturally lacks with ambition and perseverance.

The adventures he faces to earn his place among the Clydesdales are thrilling and exhilarating. Whether it’s pulling beer through the pulley or having your hair stretched over its legs to look like a horse, the donkey is ready to do anything to make its dream come true.

You can watch the ad below!